All Blues Miles Davisline 地域の安全情報 表示されない

I can’t think of what it is, but I’ve heard it a million times…” And while some creators of art may have a problem with their creations not being instantly recognized like a pop hit, it can also be the greatest of compliments for a composer, to know that one’s work is so embedded in the consciousness of the masses. Schau das Video für All Blues von Miles Davis's Kind of Blue kostenlos und sieh dir Coverbilder, Songtexte und ähnliche Künstler an. Player wird geladen ... "A particularly distinctive feature of the piece is the bass line that repeats through the whole piece, except when a V or While originally an instrumental piece, lyrics were later added by | ./. 5 Miles Davis (Miles Dewey Davis III, Alton, Illinois, May 26, 1926 – Santa Monica, California, … 6

Kind of Blue, Miles Davis’ best-selling album, was released in 1959. Du möchtest keine Anzeigen sehen? The multi-faceted Brown was onetime political candidate on the Republican ticket, as well as a card-carrying communist until that association began to work against him. He also wrote lyrics for music composed by, or in conjunction with, other jazz greats, including Nat Adderley and Mongo Santamaria.With his “All Blues” lyrics, Brown talked about how we are all people, regardless of color:And while not overtly, he also addressed the challenges faced by America’s black population: No matter who plays or sings “All Blues,” Miles Davis’ original melody is instantly recognizable.

-The album Jazz is often very complicated and difficult to play, though that’s not the case with this “All Blues.” That’s not to say it’s easy, though. The sea, the sky, the you and I Du möchtest keine Anzeigen sehen? Lyrics to 'All Blues' by Miles Davis: The sea, the sky, the you and I The sea, the sky, for you and I I'll know we're all blues All Shades, all hues, all blues 589.236 731.214 Hörer In the song's original key of G this chord is an E♭7. | | Gm7 | ./. The album Kind of Blue by Miles Davis, which features the iconic composition “All Blues,” is the best-selling jazz album of all time. 1 "All Blues" is an example of modal blues in G mixolydian. The album Kind of Blue by Miles Davis, which features the iconic composition “All Blues,” is the best-selling jazz album of all time. Zeitzone: 267.136 Hörer The group that Davis assembled for that recording was a band of masters that included pianist Bill Evans and saxophonists John Coltrane and Cannonball Adderley. Find Miles Davis discography, albums and singles on AllMusic It is a twelve-bar blues in 4; the chord sequence is that of a basic blues and made up entirely of seventh chords, with a ♭VI in the turnaround instead of just the usual V chord. The sea, the sky, the you and I Es steht eine neue Version von zur Verfügung. As your browser speaks English, would you like to

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