One of them one of thosepso2 16話 感想

(That is the one thing, period) That's one of them. 2. a pronoun: Those who couldn't take part in preparations to the match were rested.

AnonymousWhat is the correct usage of "those" and "them"? The contributors to this miscellany are all educated men; some are literary artists; not one of them would ordinarily put a singular verb with a plural subject.

I found an even older school textbook EDIT: It has come to my attention that this is not true apposition, which would be 'one of 'One of them people. Compare the title "Them!" What does one of those days expression mean? That's one of it is simply not logical. As to it's propagation? Or even "He is them friend." Can this usage go beyond a specific dialect and be used in other dialects, regions etc. Have you seen those pictures? Many smaller villages, including some of the highly educated ones (Oxford and Cambridge, both of which are the home of their respective dictionaries, to name a couple) use an improper English structure. I believe that its origins come in the form of laziness. Stack Exchange network consists of 177 Q&A communities including

", "That's me car! one of those days phrase.

And I saw in the book called "A Broken Promise" as "Now my mother become one of them people. Plain speech in America has very strong appeal. This question is specific to this situation only and there is more to it.In the succinctly named textbook: The author provides further examples and an explanation as to why this construction is considered ungrammaticalI found an even earlier instance from an American textbook illustrating this usage, dated The above extracts prove without doubt that this form of speech (and writing) was used and heard in the past. I think the above sentence is partly complete . Compare the title "Them!" Say you have a plate right in front of you, you would say "One of these please"If the item in question is a few feet or more away from you, you would instead say,"One of those please"Use "these" for items that are very close, and "those" for items further away I see something I'd like Can I have one of or I should say:Can I have one of Can we use "those" with items that If the items are in some way near you (actually near you, or you are pointing to a picture or a menu that you are holding), you can use But you can always use Weirdly enough, that depends on how close said item is to you.

I don't know if it was this common in the past.For example: "one of When I did a research about it, some people say it comes from a dialect of I see this usage in Moreover, I saw in a song title as "one of them days". Why did this usage become popular among other English speakers?But it only says "ungrammatical" there. “These words [one of the, one of those] introduce the most widespread of all defiances of rudimentary grammar: the coupling of a plural subject with a singular verb. And compare one of them einer von denen, meaning one of those people there.In English them was used as object case and in dialects "them" is also used for those. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. ?In my experience, within the American South and rural Appalachian dialects it is certainly used in daily speech. Actually the little girl that cries Them! And compare one of them einer von denen, meaning one of those people there. Over time this will might lead to a loss of the subjective forms altogether, as has already happened with This is from personal experience:"Them" takes the place of "those" in plain speech. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under

I think that this particular use of the language finds itself being brought over from British Isles, perhaps in the form of lower class cockney from the little or even uneducated masses who struck out to the Americas in hopes of finding a new start to their lives. It is taken from the fact that over time words in the smaller English dialects have been intertwined with modern English to give some mixture of the two. though sometimes it has an ironic flavor to it.But in some regions (such as the Mid-Atlantic or Northeast America regions), using the construct would definitely raise eyebrows. Can we use it in daily speech? We know that Subject has to agree with Verb in a sentence of any language. BarbaraPA CalifJim's reply was promoted to an answer. Like with all Linguistics studies, the arguments of the form and origin of this type of statement cannot be defined accurately because of how English has ended up being a hodgepodge of multiple languages all rolled up to help express ourselves. Saying just, “this” with a point is not enough information to distinguish between the item on the table, the table itself, the floor, etc.

Jul 24 2009 15:40:11.

Over time this habit has been passed down and is now considered 'normal' (if one can consider it that), but has stayed in the rural areas.

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