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In a statement, Dorsey said Twitter had taken steps to improve its security and "resiliency against targeted social engineering attempts. The company said it anticipated expense growth of 10% or more in the third quarter.Social media rival Add a CommentWe encourage you to use comments to engage with users, share your perspective and ask questions of authors and each other. More than 1,000 Twitter (TWTR -0.5%) workers had access to internal tools that allowed for changing account settings/control, Reuters reports - compromising attempts to … However, in order to maintain the high level of discourse we’ve all come to value and expect, please keep the following criteria in mind: Perpetrators of spam or abuse will be deleted from the site and prohibited from future registration at’s discretion.Are you sure you want to block %USER_NAME%?By doing so, you and %USER_NAME% will not be able to see Analysts had expected $585 million, according to IBES data from Refinitiv.Chief Executive Jack Dorsey opened a conference call with analysts by apologizing for the hack that compromised the accounts of high-profile users last week, saying "we feel terrible."
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Twitter Inc (N: TWTR) on Thursday reported its highest-ever yearly growth of daily users who can view ads, beating analysts' … It had an adjusted profit last year of $37 million.Echoing earlier guidance, Twitter said it expects data licensing revenue to "moderate" for the rest of the year.Costs and expenses grew 5% to $807 million, below the increase in the low teens that Twitter had forecast. Reuters Top News ‏ Verified account @Reuters Aug 28 Follow Follow @ Reuters Following Following @ Reuters Unfollow Unfollow @ Reuters Blocked Blocked @ Reuters Unblock Unblock @ Reuters Pending Pending follow request from @ Reuters Cancel Cancel your follow request to @ Reuters Because of the second quarter's steep coronavirus-related losses, Twitter did not make enough money to take advantage of the tax benefit.Adjusted to exclude the tax considerations, the company incurred a loss of $127 million, or 16 cents per share, roughly in line with analyst expectations of a $125 million loss.

"Total revenue came in at $683 million, down 19% year-over-year, helped by steadier sales growth from the licensing of users' posts to researchers and marketers.Twitter has struggled to build out its ad offerings, leaving it reliant on a suite of promotional tools geared toward advertising around big events and product launches, which have all but vanished during the pandemic.The company said it finished rebuilding its ad management technology in the second quarter, which would support faster development of new formats going forward, and was rolling out measurement tools for "direct response" ads used by app developers.On the conference call, Chief Financial Officer Ned Segal declined to give details about the impact of a July social media advertising boycott that was intially focused on Facebook (O:Twitter also said it was exploring "subscriptions and other approaches to complement our advertising business," such as commerce, though it was not expecting any revenue to result this year Dorsey said on the call that the company would have a "really high bar for when we would ask consumers to pay for aspects of Twitter.

How would you best describe yourself?No results matched your searchBy Katie Paul and Elizabeth CullifordSAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Twitter's average monetizable daily active users (mDAU) increased 34% year over year to 186 million, above analysts' estimate of 176 million, in a rise it said was primarily driven by external factors such as shelter-in-place requirements and increased conversation around the COVID-19 pandemic.But the company missed Wall Street's lowered expectations for quarterly revenue, as the coronavirus-spurred economic slowdown battered the company's largely events-oriented digital ads business.Ad sales, which make up 82% of Twitter's revenue, sank 23% to $562 million, a drop the company attributed to brand spending pauses tied to the pandemic and U.S. civil unrest.

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